Maintain proper sanitizer level.
Circulate and test water before using.
Shock the spa adding 11 grams of SPA PURE SHOCK per 1,000 L.
Add 30 mL of SPA PURE STAIN & SCALE per 1,000 L.
Add 15 mL of SPA PURE SUPER CLEAR per 1,000 L.
WHAT IS SANITATION?: Sanitation [or disinfection] is the process of destroying living microorganisms and bacteria in sufficient numbers to prevent the transmission of disease. Bromine and chlorine are the most commonly used method of disinfection for spa use and are strong oxidizers. Oxidation is the process of cleansing or purging the spa of organic and nitrogenous contaminants such as bather waste, algae and environmental pollutants. In simple terms, oxidation is the burning out process to convert complex organic or nitrogen compounds into simpler compounds such as carbon dioxide and elemental nitrogen.
CHLORINE DISINFECTION: Chlorine should be maintained at a level of 3-5 ppm to effectively sanitize a spa. There are two types of chlorines being offered – SPA PURE CLOR and MINI-PUCKS. The CLOR is a granular product that must be added to the spa on a daily basis whereas the MINI-PUCKS are slow releasing tablets that can be added to a float feeder to maintain a good chlorine level over a number of days.
BROMINE DISINFECTION: SPA CLEAR EZ BROM is a one step granular bromine concentrate that gives an instant sanitation level. Add SPA CLEAR EZ BROM directly to the bather free water with the circulation system running. Test daily and maintain a residual of 3-5 ppm.
The SPA PURE BROMINATING TABLETS however, have a built-in oxidizer and when added to a float feeder make it a lot easier to use.
SHOCKING: When chlorine is added to spa water it automatically attacks bacteria, algae and bather waste and forms what we call ‘chloramines’. This combined chlorine is responsible for eye irritation and offensive ‘chlorine odour’ and has no disinfecting properties. This combined chlorine needs to be converted too ‘free chlorine’ so that we can effectively sanitize the spa. “Shocking” the spa using either SPA PURE SHOCK or SPA PURE CLOR burns off nitrogenous waste and converts the combined chlorine back to free available chlorine.
CLEAN: As part of your weekly maintenance schedule you should add SPA PURE STAIN AND SCALE to protect your Hot tub's finish and metal parts. Think of Spa Pure Stain and Scale as added insurance to extend the life of your spa.
Water balance has five factors: pH, Total Alkalinity “TA”, Calcium Hardness “CH”, Temperature, and Total Dissolved Solids “TDS”. For our purpose, it is assumed that the temperature will stay between 35 C and 40 C, and the TDS level will remain below 1500 parts per million (ppm), providing the drain and refill schedule is followed.
Water balance affects the safety of your equipment as well as the appearance of the water. pH is most critical, but the TA and CH levels must also be considered.
pH: pH is a measurement of the relative acidity and basicity of water. pH is measured on a scale that runs that runs from 0-14. Ph value below 7 are acidic and values higher than 7 are basic [alkaline]. Spa water should always have a pH in the range of 7.2 - 7.8. SPA PURE pH PLUS is used to raise the pH and SPA PURE Ph MINUS is used to lower the pH of spa water. Maintaining proper pH is an important part of water balance and bather comfort.
TOTAL ALKALINITY: Total alkalinity (TA) refers to the amount of alkaline material (carbonates, bicarbonates, & hydroxides) in the spa water. Spa water with low TA is sensitive to a change in pH. The pH can "bounce" from high to low and back up again quickly. Also low TA makes the water corrosive that can be hard on the spa and heater. SPA PURE ALK UP can be used to maintain the TA in the correct range of 100 - 120. Spa water with high TA is very resistant to a change in pH making it difficult to adjust pH when necessary. To lower TA, mix a solution of SPA PURE pH MINUS with water (always add chemicals to water not water to chemicals) and with the pump off pour directly in the center of the spa. Repeat the process until the desired level is reached. TA should be tested weekly.
CALCIUM HARDNESS: Calcium hardness is the measurement of the amount of calcium in the water and should be maintained between 175 – 250 ppm. Low calcium levels can lead to corrosive water and high calcium can cause scaling. Use SPA PURE CAL UP to raise the calcium level. High calcium levels cannot be lowered but with the addition of SPA PURE STAIN AND SCALE, the calcium will be sequestered and not harm the spa or heater.
CLOUDY WATER: Suspended particulate matter can cause cloudy water. To keep the water sparkling clear, treat weekly with SPA PURE SUPER CLEAR with the system running. If cloudy water is a constant problem, check TA, CH, and pH levels and bring into balance.
Other Possible Causes:
Suspended particles - Add SPA PURE SUPER CLEAR
Build-up of organic contaminants -Shock treatment with SPA PURE CLOR
Total alkalinity too high - Add SPA PURE pH MINUS until TA is within 100-150 ppm
Hardness too high - Add SPA PURE CAL UP
pH too high - Adjust pH using SPA PURE pH MINUS until 7.4-7.8
High TDS - Empty spa and refill (have water tested)
Poor filtration - Clean cartridge with SPA PURE FILTER CLEANER
FOAMING: Foaming is caused by shampoo and soap residues, hair sprays, cleansers and even “soft” water (low TA and CH). If foaming occurs, treat by squirting Spa Life Foam Away over the surface of the water. Repeat if necessary.
Other Possible Causes:
High concentration of oils and organic matter - Squirt SPA PURE DEFOAMER over foamy area contaminants being agitated by jets
Soft water - Use PURE SPA CAL UP until CH is within 150-300 ppm
COLOURED WATER: If the water takes on a green or brown tint, it is probably due to metal (copper or iron) in the water. To remove colour and prevent staining, treat with recommended dose of SPA PURE SUPER CLEAR Repeat if necessary.
Other Possible Causes:
Dissolved metals - Use SPA PURE SPA CLEAN and have water tested - (copper, iron, etc.) from equipment or source water
Algae - Shock treat with SPA PURE CHLOR and add non foaming algaecide
If white, chalky or hard residue forms on the sides of the spa, it is due to calcium carbonate scale formation. Also treat with SPA PURE CAL UP and check water balance parameters.
Other Possible Causes:
High calcium level - Drain partially and add SPA PURE CAL UP
pH too high - Adjust pH to 7.4-7.8
Alkalinity too high - Adjust TA to 100-150 ppm by adding SPA PURE pH MINUS
POOR FILTRATION: Approximately every 6 - 8 weeks the spa should be drained and the filter cleaned with SPA PURE FILTER CLEANER Heavy usage will require draining more frequently.
Other Possible Causes:
Skimmer basket clogged - Remove hair and other debris from skimmer basket on a regular basis
Filter Cartridge clogged - Remove and clean with SPA PURE FILTER CLEANER
Pump not operating properly - Have a service technician examine the system
The pump should be on to circulate and filter the water for a minimum of 3 hours a day. Bromine or chlorine tablets require the movement in order to dissolve and maintain correct levels.
Depending on the number of bathers and the use factor, a spa should be drained and refilled with fresh water every 4 – 6 weeks. The filter should be removed and cleaned in a solution of SPA PURE FILTER CLEANER and water. Add the FILTER CLEANER to 8 litres of water in a bucket or pail, and let the filter soak over night. Thoroughly rinse the filter using the pressure of a garden hose between each pleat.
Water clarity or foaming are good indications that the spa water requires changing. The build-up of body oils, soap residue and shampoo can make the spa foam, SPA PURE DEFOAMER will reduce the foaming in a spa. Also the weekly use of SPA PURE SUPER CLEAR will help deposit these oils on the filter and aid in water clarity.
Never allow water to exceed 40 C (104 F)
Limit soak time to 15 minutes at a time
Do not drink alcoholic beverages before or during use
Do not allow children to use the spa/hot tub without supervision
If you are pregnant, consult a physician before use
If you have high blood pressure or other cardiovascular condition, consult your physician before using a spa or hot tub
Keep all chemical containers sealed and out of reach of children
Read and follow all label directions
NEVER mix chemicals
Always add chemicals into water - never the reverse
Store all chemicals in a cool, dry place with the container sealed
Never store chemicals in direct sunlight
Acid: A chemical which lowers pH when added to water.
Algae: Microscopic aquatic plant life which can grow on pool surfaces or float free in the water.
Base: A chemical which raises pH when added to water.
Bacteria: One celled organisms, some of which cause disease and/or infection. Without proper sanitation, pool water and pool surfaces are perfect breeding grounds for bacteria.
Calcium Hardness(CH): The quantity of calcium dissolved in the water.
Chlorine: The sanitizer and oxidizer most commonly used in swimming pools.
Organic Waste: Nitrogen and ammonia bearing compounds such as urine, saliva, perspiration, body oils and suntan lotions that are continuously introduced into pool water by swimmers. Most organic wastes will not filter out and must be chemically removed (oxidized) with a periodic shock treatment.
pH: The measurement of water's relative acidity and basicity. The pH range is from 0 - 14; a pH of 7 is neutral. pH values below 7 are acidic and values higher than 7 are basic. The recommended pH for pool water is 7.2 to 7.8.
Residual: The amount of a compound existing in water, usually expressed as parts per million.
Sanitizer: A chemical compound, such as chlorine and bromine, which disinfects (kills bacteria), kills algae, and oxidizes organic matter.
Shock: The process of introducing significant quantities of an oxidizer to water to bring about the chemical destruction of excess organic wastes.
Total Alkalinity (TA): The amount of bicarbonate, carbonate and hydroxides present in water. TA acts as a pH buffer.